Come join the Elementary School for their Dynamic Duster Awards Ceremony on November 17th at 8:30! This month's presentation will be the fourth grade!
about 1 year ago, Beaver Duster Athletics
Dynamic Dusters
Beaver academic Team is AREA BOUND after placing runner-up in the Regional Meet today!! It's ALWAYS a GREAT DAY to be a DUSTER!
about 1 year ago, Jeremy Brashears
quiz bowl team
Congratulations Beaver Band members on making the 5 State Honor Band today!!! High school: Irene Carboni - 5th Clarinet Luz Minjares - 10th Clarinet Phoebe Denison - 13th Clarinet Josh Harris - 8th French Horn Ethan Rigdon - 9th Trombone Junior High: Carlos Garcia - 19th Clarinet Ralyn Abare - 3rd Alternate Clarinet Aiden Sessions - 1st Trombone Danika Tull - 6th Snare Kya Ramon - 1st Alternate Snare
about 1 year ago, Jeremy Brashears
about 1 year ago, McKenzie Leisher
Reminder Duster Dribblers tonight!
Join us this Friday at 10:00 to honor our veterans in the Veterans Day Program.
about 1 year ago, Jeremy Brashears
Veterans Day 2023
This week starts the Beaver canned food drive for all grades pre-k through 12th. Please bring cans to help our local food pantry!
about 1 year ago, McKenzie Leisher
Canned Food Drive November 6th-November 15th
The elementary students participated in a Walk-A-Thon fundraiser this afternoon! We could not have asked for more beautiful weather. We would all like to thank all sponsors for their support!!
about 1 year ago, Beaver Duster Athletics
Don't forget Trunk or Treat this evening at 5:30 at the football field parking lot!! Bon fire and games have been cancelled to allow for trick or treating in town. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!
about 1 year ago, Jeremy Brashears
Congratulations to Irene Carboni for making 4th Chair for Oklahoma small school All-State!!!! We are so proud of you!!!
about 1 year ago, McKenzie Leisher
Join us tomorrow night for Beaver Chamber's Trunk or Treat and Beaver School's Halloween Carnival! KT Mjni Donuts will be there as well!! The evening will end with a bon fire!
about 1 year ago, Beaver Dusters
Here is the bracket for next week's Grade School Basketball tournament at Forgan!
about 1 year ago, Beaver Duster Athletics
Grade School Basketball
Join us tomorrow morning for our Elementary Assembly!
about 1 year ago, Beaver Duster Athletics
Dynamic Dusters
Today is the LAST DAY to get signed up! If your child wants to play please contact, Sara Williams 580-527-1425. There are some elementary festivals approaching! These are just one day festivals, teams usually play 2 games. The days set are: October 29 - Shattuck(boys only) (grade 1-6) November 4 - Fort Supply (kindergarten-4th grade) November 5 - Shattuck (girls only) (grade 1-6) November 11 - Laverne (kindergarten-4th grade) This is just for these dates. This is not Duster Dribblers or Liberal Rec. Jersey fee will be $15.
about 1 year ago, McKenzie Leisher
DUSTER DRIBBLERS 2023!!! Join our Duster Dribblers in November and December! Duster Dribblers will meet November 2, 9, 16, & 30; and December 7, 14, & 21. Pre-K and Kindergarten from 6:00-6:30. 1st-4th grades from 6:30-7:30, and open shooting from 7:30-8:00. Volunteers are needed... If you would like to help with Duster Dribblers, please contact Sara Williams at 580-527-1425. It's ALWAYS a GREAT DAY to be a DUSTER!!
about 1 year ago, Beaver Dusters
duster dribblers
Beaver County Health Department is hosting a Drive-Thru Flu Clinic tomorrow (Friday, October 20) from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM on the Beaver Public Schools campus at 807 Ave. G. Please bring your ID and Health Insurance card, if applicable. there is NO OUT OF POCKET costs. It's ALWAYS a GREAT DAY to be a DUSTER!
about 1 year ago, Beaver Dusters
flu english
flu spanish
Join us TONIGHT at 6:30 for the Junior High Football team's last game! It's a GREAT DAY to be a DUSTER!!
about 1 year ago, Jeremy Brashears
over 1 year ago, Beaver Dusters
SY24 Academic Team Dist Champs
Lady Dusters play at noon on Thursday, September 28th (tomorrow) in the REGIONAL TOURNAMENT! It's ALWAYS a GREAT DAY to be a DUSTER!
over 1 year ago, Jeremy Brashears
Come and join the Elementary Students!
over 1 year ago, Beaver Duster Athletics
Dynamic Dusters
Congratulations to our Lady Dusters for winning the District Tournament!! Our Regional Assignment will be announced on Monday!
over 1 year ago, Beaver Duster Athletics
District Champions !