Wireless Telecommunication Devices

It has been proven that students who are on cell phones or other electronic devices when they are not part of the instructional lesson are not fully engaged in learning. In order to preserve the teaching and learning environment, adherence to the following guidelines is essential to maintaining an appropriate learning environment:

Once inside the school, students must store their cell phone/electronic devices in their locker unless a medical exception verified by proper medical documentation exists that requires the student to carry a telecommunication device with them at all times.

1. It is the student's responsibility to keep their personal possessions secure.

2. Cell phones are prohibited from use in classrooms, restrooms, all gymnasiums, and all school office areas during school hours. (8:00am-3:30 pm)

3. Under no circumstances is photographing or video recording permissible anywhere on school property during the school day. This includes buses and all other school vehicles.

4. The school nor any of its employees are responsible for the loss or damage to any student’s phone or electronic device. It is the responsibility of the student to adhere to these guidelines.

5. Students who fail to adhere to the policy regulations are subject but not limited to the following consequences.

• 1st - Violation: The device will be confiscated and held in the office. Parent/guardian must come and get the phone and/or electronic device. The student will receive 3 days of lunch detention.

• 2nd - Violation: The device will be confiscated and held in the office. Parent/guardian must come and get the phone and/or electronic device. The student will receive 1 day ISS and 3 days lunch detention.

• 3rd – Violation: The device will be confiscated and held in the office. Parent/guardian must come and get the phone and/or electronic device. The student will receive 2 days out of school suspension.

Upon reasonable suspicion, the superintendent, principal, teacher, or security personnel shall have the authority to detain and search, or authorize the search of, any student or property in the possession of the student for unauthorized wireless telecommunication devices.